
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yield Sign

So through my life, I have been on different roads, trails, and sometimes it has felt like highways. Time has been flying. But I feel now that I have approached a YIELD SIGN. I'm not too sure where God is leading me or what avenue to take. I know that I need to keep moving but I have slowed down to focus of which way to turn. I am waiting to hear from God to direct me. How long will I be at this sign? Ummmm I'm not sure. I just know that by running through and taking time to hear from Him could lead to an ultimate failure. Keep me in prayer in terms of career goals and my personal life. I want to complete His Will for my  life. I have the FAITH to see what's not there just yet.

Today, I choose to believe that God is doing something I can't do, He sees something I can't see, and He's up to something I can't detect yet.


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